Pesticide Classifications
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Pesticide Classifications

General-Use pesticides can be purchased and used by the general public.  They do not require a license for personal use on an individual's property or for distribution.

Restricted-Use pesticides will state "restricted-use" on the product label as required by the EPA.  They may only be purchased and used by certified pesticide applicators or people under their direct supervision.  

State Limited Use Pesticide contain certain active ingredients that have the potential to cause adverse effects to nontargeted vegetation and are classified as SLU when distributed in containers larger than one quart liquid or 2 pounds dry or solid. Also includes pesticides or devices for predation control.

Regulated Herbicides are designated by the department. If used as directed or in accordance with widespread and commonly recognized practice, these herbicides require additional restrictions to prevent a hazard to desirable vegetation caused by drift or an uncontrolled application.

Prohibited Pesticides