Texas Department of Agriculture Website > Regulatory Programs > Produce Safety
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Texas Office of Produce Safety
The purpose of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is to shift food safety regulations from a system that focuses on responding to contamination to one that focuses on preventing them.

FSMA was a law enacted on Jan. 4, 2011, that authorizes the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to take a preventative approach to food safety. The law does so by incorporating new enforcement actions that are designed to achieve higher rates of compliance with preventative safety standards. FSMA also gives the FDA the tools it needs to hold imported foods to the same standards as domestic foods. As part of FSMA, the Produce Safety rule establishes, for the first time, science-based minimum standards for the safe growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of fruits and vegetables grown for human consumption.

The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) is partnering with FDA through a cooperative agreement to advance efforts for a nationally integrated food safety system. This will occur through the planning, establishment and/or enhancement of State and Territory Produce Safety Programs that encourage safe production of fresh fruits and vegetables. TDA is also working to promote the understanding and compliance with the requirements of FDA’s “Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption” (commonly referred to as the Produce Safety Rule). 

To receive information and updates on the Produce Safety Rule, complete the Farm Information Survey and/or email ProduceSafety@TexasAgriculture.gov
   Trainings in Texas
Texas Upcoming PSA Growers Training
*2024 PSA Growers Training price increased to $40*

To be notified about future classes, email us.

National Upcoming PSA Growers Training

Click here for class offerings outside of Texas.

   Final Rule on Agricultural Water
On May 2, 2024 the FDA Publishes Landmark Final Rule to Enhance the Safety of Agricultural Water which sets forth the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a final rule on agricultural water.
Richard De Los Santos
Director for Produce Safety
(512) 463-7472

Rene Nieto
Program Coordinator for Produce Safety
(512) 463-7439

Produce Safety Outreach Specialists
Regional Map

Camilo Garzon
South Central Texas Region
(210) 330-1022

Danielle Sepeda
South Texas Region
(956) 453-2209

West Texas Region
(512) 463-7439

Lauren McCann
Central Texas Region
(512) 574-9893

Tony Hill
North East Texas Region
(214) 803-5453

Marvin Lopez
South East Texas Region
(281) 660-9247

   Additional Training Resources

Best Practices for Preventing Contamination Video: English - Spanish
Best Practices for Working with Animals Video: English - Spanish
Best Practices for Working in the Field and Packing House Video: English - Spanish
Best Practices for Worker Hygiene Video: English - Spanish
Best Practices for Handwashing Video: English - Spanish

   Cleaning & Sanitizing Resources for Produce Farms

An online educational resource on how to properly clean and sanitize tools and equipment in a farm setting. To help educators and farm managers reinforce fundamental cleaning and sanitizing concepts.

It also contains information that emphasizes how to select and monitor sanitizers using test strips and titration kits. The interactive animation simulates how to follow proper monitoring procedures, evaluate results, and record findings.  

English - Spanish

AgriStress 833-877-2474

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