Section 18 Exemptions and 24c SLNs
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Section 18 Exemptions and 24c SLNs

Section 18 Registrations
To counter an unusual pest or set of circumstances, the Texas Department of Agriculture requests the Environmental Protection Agency grant Section 18 emergency specific exemptions or a more immediate crisis exemption.

This allows use of a new pesticide product or one not approved for a specific crop to stem a problem. TDA must provide EPA with data showing that the requested pesticide will do the job safely and effectively. The difference between a farmer making a crop or suffering a disaster often depends on the relief a Section 18 pesticide offers. The use of Section 18 pesticides annually save Texas farmers between $20 million and $30 million.

24c SLNs
The Texas Pesticide Law and Regulations provides that the department address the special local need for a pesticide. TDA will determine that a local need exists; that the applicant meets all federal requirements for registration of a pesticide; that the particular use of the pesticide has not been denied, suspended, or canceled by the EPA; and that the products efficacy data support the claims made for it in Texas prior to approval of the application by the department. For more information check Section 7.13 of the Pesticide Regulations. 


(512) 463-7407 or (800) TELL-TDA (1-800-835-5832)