24c SLNs
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24c SLNs

SLN No.  Expiration Date Product Brand Name & EPA Reg No. Active Ingredient(s) Authorized Use Site
TX950006 12/31/2025 Malathion ULV Concentrate Insecticide (34704-565) Malathion Control Mexican fruit fly and other subtropical fruit flies Citrus (oranges, lemons, grapefruit, tangelos, tangerlines, kumquats, and ornamental citrus), and Guava
TX020007  12/31/2025 Drexel Carbaryl 4L (19713-49) Carbaryl For control of Ghost Shrimp and Mud Shrimp Commercial Shrimp Ponds
TX070003 12/31/2028 Dual Magnum Herbicide (100-816) S-metolachlor For Control of Weeds Cabbage, Dry Bulb Onion, Garden Beet, Green Onion, Pepper (Except Tabasco), and Sweet Potato
TX080015 12/31/2025 Habitat Herbicide (241-426) Isopropylamine salt of Imazapyr Aquatic Applications by fixed-wing aircraft to control invasive vegetation Anahuac, Aransas, and McFaddin National Wildlife Refuge
TX080015-A 12/31/2025 Habitat Herbicide (241-426-67690) Isopropylamine salt of Imazapyr Aquatic Applications by fixed-wing aircraft to control invasive vetetation Anahuac, Aransas, and McFaddin National Wildlife Refuge
TX100005  12/31/2025 Reflex Herbicide (100-993) Fomesafen For Control of Weeds, Including Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth and Lakeweed Cotton
TX100007 12/31/2025 Baythroid XL (264-840)  Beta-cyfluthrin Control of Asian Citrus Psyllid Citrus Orchards
TX110001  12/31/2025 Leverage 360 Insecticide (264-1104) Imidacloprid & Beta-cyfluthrin Control of Asian Citrus Psyllid Citrus
TX140004  12/31/2024 Dual Magnum Herbicide (100-816)
S-metolachlor  For Control of Weeds  Collard, Kale, Mustard and Turnip Greens 
TX140005 12/31/2024 Scoparia Herbicide (264-600) Isoxaflutole Control of Kochia, Puncturevine and Russian Thistle Fallow and eco-fallow fields
TX140006  12/31/2024 Corvus Herbicide (264-1066) Isoxaflutole;
Control of Kochia, Puncturevine and Russian Thistle Fallow and eco-fallow fields
TX160001 12/31/2026 Sivanto Prime (264-1141) Flupyradifurone Control of the Sugarcane Aphid utilizing a reduced preharvest interval Sorghum
TX160002 12/31/2024 Sinister Herbicide (5905-593) Fomesafen For the control of weeds, including Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth, Marestail, and Lakeweed in the following geography: West of Highway 277 from Wichita Falls to Anson, and north of Highway 180 to the New Mexico and Oklahoma state lines including Fisher, Scurry, Borden and Dawson counties and excluding Gaines County. Cotton
TX170002 12/31/2024 Warrior II with Zeon Technology (100-1295)

For eradication programs -  Non-indigenous Exotic Fruit Fly Pests of the Tephritidae Family

Fruit trees 
TX180002 12/31/2028 Ravap E.C. Livestock, Poultry & Premise Insecticide Spray ( 11556-162)  Tetrachlorvinphos & Dichlorvos Addition of use sites to control Cattle Fever Tick for use only by US Department of Agriculture, Cattle Fever Tick Eradication Program and Texas Animal Health
Commission personnel, or under their direction.
Livestock Facilities and Equipment
TX180003  12/31/2028 Onager Miticide (10163-277) Hexythiazox  Control of Two spotted spider mite, Potato Psyllid  Potatoes 
TX180005 12/31/2028 Duplosan Herbicide (228-742) 2-Ethylhexyl Ester of Dichlorprop-p For Post-harvest destruction/removal of all cotton including 2,4-D and Dicamba tolerant varieties Cotton
TX190003 12/31/2029 Alligare PRO MSM 60 Herbicide (81927-7) Metsulfuron-methyl To control Giant Salvinia (Salvinia molesta) In/on freshwater sloughs, marshes, lakes and other quiescent water bodies that are managed and/or regulated by the state or federal agency responsible for aquatic plant management activities
TX190005 12/31/2024 Dual Magnum Herbicide (100-816) S-Metolachlor For state-wide use in weed control Watermelon
TX190006 12/31/2029 Compound DRC-1339 Concentrate - Bird Control (56228-63) DRC-1339 To control American crows, fish crows, Chihuahuan ravens, and common ravens Peanut fields and pecan orchards
TX190007 12/31/2029 Command 3ME (279-3158) Clomazone For aerial application to control weeds Rice
TX190011 12/31/2024 Gramoxone SL 2.0 (100-1431) Paraquat dichloride Allowing for Preplant / Preemergence (before peanut emerges) control of weeds Peanuts
TX190012 12/31/2024 Sinister Herbicide (5905-593) Fomesafen  

Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth, Marestail,

and Lakeweed in 23 additional counties
TX200005  12/31/2025 Boundary 6.5EC Herbicide (100-1162) S-Metolachlor & Metribuzin Control Glyphosate-resistant Italian Ryegrass Corn and Soybean
TX210002 12/31/2025 GoalTender Herbicide (92894-3-71368) Oxyfluorfen  For control of broadleaf weed species Dry bulb onions at the first true leaf growth 
TX210003  12/31/2025 GoalTender Herbicide (92894-3-71368)  Oxyfluorfen  For postemergence use to control broadleaf weeds  Broccoli, Cauliflower and Cabbage 
TX210004 12/31/2025 Fyfanon ULV-AG (279-3540) Malathion For Control of the Mexican Fruit Fly Citrus (grapefruits and oranges)
TX210007 10/31/2025 Cimarron Max Part A Herbicide (432-1571) Metsulfuron-methyl To control Giant Salvinia (Salvinia molesta)  In/on freshwater sloughs, marshes, lakes and other quiescent water bodies that are managed and/or regulated by the state or federal agency responsible for aquatic plant management activities
TX210008 08/31/2026 Drexel Foma 2.0 Herbicide (19713-658) Sodium salt of Fomesafen To control Glyphosate resistant weeds such as Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) and Lakeweed (Ambrosia grayi) in the following cotton growing counties of Andrews, Coke, Concho, Crane, Crockett, Ector, Glasscock, Howard, Irion, Martin, Midland, Mitchell, Nolan, Pecos, Reagan, Reeves, Runnels, Schleicher, Sterling, Taylor, Tom Green, Upton, and Ward Counties; West of Highway 277 from Wichita Falls to Anson, and North of Highway 180 to the New Mexico and Oklahoma State Lines Including Fisher, Scurry, Borden and Dawson Counties (Excluding Gaines County) of West Texas. Cotton
TX210009 12/31/2026 Ricestar HT Herbicide (264-682) Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl
For the control of grass weeds.
TX210009-A 12/31/2026 Ricestar HT Herbicide (264-682-10163) Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl For the control of grass weeds in Texas rice fields. Rice
TX220001 12/31/2027 Duplosan Herbicide (228-742) 2-Ethylhexyl Ester of Dichlorprop-p Aerial application: post harvest destruction/ removal of all cotton including 2,4-D and Dicamba tolerant varieties Cotton 
TX220003 12/31/2025 Kontos (432-1471) Spirotetramat For Control of Bermudagrass Stunt Mite Golf Courses and Sod Farms
TX230002 12/31/2028 Enlist One (62719-695) 2, 4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Choline salt For herbicide resistance management to control emerged annual and perennial weeds. Corn, cotton grown for seed, and cotton field crops containing Enlist traits in the following counties in Texas: Cameron, Hidalgo, San Patricio, Nueces, and Willacy.
TX230003 12/31/2028 Badge X2 (10163-402) Copper Hydroxide and Copper Oxychloride For control of Brown Spot (Cochliobolus miyabeanus) and Narrow Brown Leaf Spot (Cercospora janseana) Organic Rice
TX240001 12/31/2028 ProFume (1015-79) Sulfuryl fluoride Control Insects for Export only. Packaged US Agency for International Development (USAID) Commodities (Corn Soy Blend and Super Cereal Plus); Port of Houston, Harris County, Texas.
TX240002-A 12/31/2028 Reviton (71512-37-75430) Tiafenacil Reduced Plant Back Interval Peanut and Sorghum
TX240003 12/31/2028 Gramoxone SL 3.0 Herbicide
Paraquat Dichloride For Harvest Aid Applications Cotton