Legal Services
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Legal Services

The Legal Services Division provides legal representation and counsel to all TDA divisions and programs, as well as affiliated entities, such as the Texas Agricultural Finance Authority, State Seed and Plant Board, and the Prescribed Burning Board. Legal Services also provides legal support to ensure compliance on a limited basis to a wide range of agricultural commodity boards, advisory committees, and the Texas Boll Weevil Eradication Program. Division attorneys also serve as liaisons with the Office of the Texas Attorney General on Department litigation associated with their respective practice areas. Legal Services comprises the Enforcement Section, Food and Nutrition Section, and General Law Section, as well as the Public Information Office and the Hearings Office.

The Enforcement Section provides legal representation and counsel to TDA’s Agriculture and Consumer Protection Division to ensure compliance and enforcement of the department's regulatory functions, including prosecutions and settlements.   Enforcement attorneys review Department investigations and recommended enforcement actions related to violations of state and federal pesticide, herbicide and Right-to-Know laws and regulations. In addition, Enforcement attorneys review violations of consumer protection laws and programs, including biosecurity enforcement; quarantines; industrial hemp; licensing; plant, seed and egg quality; weights and measures; commodity warehouses; produce safety; handling and marketing perishable commodities; and provide support to TDA laboratories.

The Food and Nutrition Section provides legal representation and support to TDA’s Food and Nutrition Division and federal Child Nutrition Programs, including reviewing contracts, enforcing program requirements, handling administrative appeals, and representing the agency in administrative hearings.

The General Law Section provides legal representation and counsel to the Commissioner, TDA executive staff, divisions and programs concerning Department powers and duties and in the areas of employment law, real estate, and administrative law (state procurement and contracting, public information requests, open meetings compliance, and rulemaking).

The Public Information Office handles and coordinates all public information requests and subpoenas for records received by the Department.

The Hearings Office handles and coordinates administrative appeals from Department actions, conducts internal administrative hearings, and serves as a liaison with the State Office of Administrative Hearings.  

Contact Us
Tel: (512) 463-4075
Toll Free: (800) 835-5832

Mailing Address:
Attention: Legal Services
PO Box 12847
Austin, TX 78711-2847

Susan Maldonado
General Counsel

David Castillo
General Counsel, Enforcement

Susana G. Esparza
Lead Assistant General Counsel
and General Counsel, Food and Nutrition

Jennifer Medrano
Program Specialist,
Office of Public Information

Bruce Harrison
Docket Clerk,
Office of Hearings