Beneficiary Documentation
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Beneficiary Documentation

The links provided on this page should be used to access data for documenting the beneficiaries of a proposed TxCDBG project. For guidance on how this data is used, consult the Survey Methodology Manual (link below) or the Beneficiary Identification section of the Application Guide for the fund you wish to pursue.


Who Are My Beneficiaries?

TxCDBG Guide to Meeting a National Program Objective 

PY 2023 Beneficiary Guidance Updates


Counting Beneficiaries by Survey

2023 Survey Methodology Manual 

Survey Tab Form 

TxCDBG Address List Template 

2024 Survey Questionnaire - 80% ONLY  
2024 Survey Questionnaire-Standard (required for 14A)

2024 Survey Questionnaire - 80% SOLO en Español
2024 Survey Questionnaire - Standard en Español (requerido para 14a)

It is recommended to always double check with the HUD posted Income Limits.


Sample Size Calculator and Random Number Generator (SSC/RNG) 

Note: If watermark does not print; go to your browser's Page Setup and click on "Print Background Colors and Images."


Counting Beneficiaries by Census Data

2024 LMISD dataset (effective August 1, 2024)

Census Maps

The above excel file contains income characteristic data for persons and households for each logical record number in Texas.

Race/Ethnicity Calculator

Use the above Excel file as a tool to determine the race, ethnicity and gender for the beneficiaries in your project. This calculator replaces the TXMA05. This new calculator uses the most recent ACS data. Instructions are included in the file.