Home Delivered Meal Grant Program
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Home Delivered Meal Grant Program

CLSOED: Next application cycle will start September 1, 2025.

The Texans Feeding Texans: Home-Delivered Meal Grant Program was established to help supplement and extend applicants' current home-delivered meal program for seniors and/or disabled Texans.


Applicant must:
  1. Be a non-profit organization or governmental entity.
  2. Have delivered meals to the homebound elderly (60 or older) or disabled individuals in the previous state fiscal year.
  3. Receive a grant from the county in which meals are delivered, documented through a signed county resolution form. A grant equivalent to $0.25 per county senior as reported in the most recent census qualifies meal providers for funds under the Program. Less than $0.25 per county senior will qualify providers for correspondingly smaller TDA grants.

County Role

Counties can bring TDA dollars to their communities by making qualifying grants to meal providers.

  • County grants should be based on the county senior population reported in the most recent census.
  • County grant amounts should be equivalent to $0.25 per county senior to qualify meal providers for an HDM award. Minimum grant amounts for individual counties can be viewed in this spreadsheet, County Resolution Amounts.
  • Minimum grant amounts listed in the spreadsheet must be awarded to meet the requirement for the county grant amount per 2020 census numbers.
  • Counties are welcome to “award” providers more than the $0.25 per senior minimum, however this does not mean they will receive increased funding from the program.
  • If the county grant is less than the minimum required, then the entities portion of HDM will be proportionately reduced.  
  • If there is more than one provider in your county, each entities resolution must amount to the minimum requirement of $0.25 per county senior.  
  • If an applicant does not receive the minimum amount from the county, it does not make them ineligible for award; their award will be proportionately reduced.

Use of Funds

Generally, expenses that are necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient performance and administration of the project are eligible. Funds may be used toward the following, but are not limited to:

  • Personnel costs.
  • Food costs.
  • Supplies (packaging and utensils).
  • Transportation costs.
  • Small equipment (less than $5,000).
  • Other direct expenses related to HDM program.

Program email: Grants@TexasAgriculture.gov

Julia Rico
Grant Specialist
Tel: (512) 463-7448

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