Texas Sorghum
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Texas Sorghum: The Versatile Ancient Grain

Texas ranks second in the U.S. for sorghum production with 728,000 hectares (1.8 million acres). Sorghum is used around the world as an efficient forage for livestock. It is also an increasingly popular choice in the consumer food industry and other emerging markets (including energy). Known as an environmentally friendly crop, sorghum is favored by farmers for its ability to convert sunlight into chemical energy and its efficient use of water, both of which matter for crops growing in Texas.

Over 50% of all sorghum grown in the U.S. is produced for export markets, and Texas, with its network of seaports, airports, roads, and railways, helps get sorghum to locations around the world with ease. 


The Versatility of Sorghum

Texas sorghum is a truly versatile crop with a variety of unique uses:

Forage Sorghum is best used for grazing pasture, hay production, silage, and green chop. Forage sorghum typically grows 2.4 to 4.5 meters (8 to 15 feet) tall and is most popular for use as silage for feeding livestock.

Grain Sorghum can take many shapes and sizes from a tight-headed, round panicle to an open, droopy panicle that can be short or tall. The color varies but this type of sorghum is mainly used for livestock feed and in consumer food applications.

Biomass Sorghum has the largest stature of all the sorghum varieties, reaching a height of 6 meters (20 feet) in a normal growing season. These hybrids are used primarily for the production of bioenergy.

Sweet Sorghum is predominantly grown for sorghum syrup, a healthy alternative sweetener to produce whiskey and rum-type products. Unlike grain sorghum, sweet sorghum is harvested for the stalks rather than the grain and is crushed like sugar cane or beets to produce a syrup.

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​Powerhouse Grain

This ancient grain has stood the test of time. As consumer demand for versatile, healthy, and sustainable grains rises, sorghum's popularity is seeing a resurgence. Sorghum is non-GMO and gluten-free, making it a perfect grain for those with gluten sensitivities or intolerances.

Sorghum contains 10% protein, nearly 75% complex carbohydrates and is rich in vitamins B6, which helps you feel fuller longer and powers you through your day. It provides an excellent source or dietary fiber, which greatly improved digestive health, and is high in potassium and low in sodium, which promotes healthy blood pressure.

Get Cooking with Sorghum

Sorghum comes in a wide variety of forms, ranging from whole grain to flour to syrup. You can use sorghum grains in cooked dishes, as a salad garnish or in granola snacks. Sorghum flour can be used for baked goods like pies or cookies while sorghum syrup can be poured over breakfast waffles. Love popcorn? Try popping sorghum in the microwave or on the stove for a healthy snack.

Sorghum grains can be prepared like rice, quinoa, or other whole grains. You can cook sorghum using your stovetop, slow cooker, oven, or rice cooker. Whole grain sorghum adds a hearty, nutty flavor to your favorite recipes. 

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