State Urgent Need Fund
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State Urgent Need Fund (SUN)


The State Urgent Need (SUN) Fund is available following natural disasters and events that are not eligible for federal disaster assistance. The SUN program provides financial assistance to address disaster-related damage to public infrastructure and utilities, including repair, replacement, and mitigation measures.

Eligible Applicants:

Eligible applicants are non-entitlement general purpose units of local government including cities and counties that are not participating or designated as eligible to participate in the entitlement portion of the federal Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). Non-entitlement cities that are not participating in urban county programs through existing participation agreements are eligible applicants (unless the city’s population is counted towards the urban county CDBG allocation).

Additionally, disaster events which have received a Presidential declaration of disaster, or for which the Governor's Request for Presidential Disaster Declaration has been submitted/is pending, are not eligible for TxCDBG-SUN funding.

Eligible Activities:

SUN funding is available to repair, replace, rehabilitate, or improve public infrastructure impacted by a natural disaster, including mitigation measures appropriate to the project. Funds cannot be used for:

  • Repair costs that are covered by insurance or other funding sources
  • Temporary improvements or emergency measure that are not a long-term solution
  • Redundant or backup systems
  • Repair of residential or commercial properties
  • Costs of preparing an application for funding

Award Amounts

Awards range from a minimum of $100,000 to a maximum of $500,000.

Evaluation and Selection

Applications for the identified priorities (safe drinking water and debris removal) that are received before 8/31/2023 will be funded before other applications will be considered.

Figure out what needs fixing and prioritize. You might want to ask TDEM for a Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA). Applications are accepted "first-come first-served". Application forms are available upon request. Please email to request a conference call. Once the preliminary call with TDA staff and potential applicant has been completed, the application form shall be sent to the applicant community. 



Current SUN Eligible Disasters

Wildfire (Updated 10/14/24)

Oct 24 Wildfire Status638653840581164883

Hurricane Beryl (Renewed 10/3/2024)

Note: Red/white checkered counties are INELIGIBLE for SUN funding due to Federal disaster declaration

Sept 24 Hurricane Beryl

Severe Weather (Renewed 9/26/24)

Note: Red/white checkered counties are INELIGIBLE for SUN funding due to Federal disaster declaration

Information for counties in designated Texas Severe Weather federal disaster areas

Sept 26 24 Severe Weather

Drought (Updated 9/26/24)

Sept 26 24 Drought

Tropical Storm Alberto (Updated 6/19/24)
