Administrator Certification Test
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TxCDBG Certified Administrators

All individuals that are responsible for administration of a TxCDBG grant contract or agreement must be Certified. Administrators are required to review the TxCDBG Implementation Manual and TxCDBG Guide to Meeting an NPO and successfully pass the online test. The Certified Administrator List will be posted below and will be updated as needed. This requirement applies to the point of contact for administrative requirements of the grant, whether a third party administrator procured by a community, an employee of a Council of Government serving as a subrecipient to the community, or an employee of a self-administering community.

Administrative and Engineering Providers List

NEW 2024-2025 Certified Administrator Test

The link above is for the NEW 2024-2025 Certified Administrator Test. Previous certifications from the 2023-2024 Certified Administrator Test will expire November 1,2024. 

Instructions: You have 24 hours to complete this test and submit for review. The test is 100 questions and you must get 80% correct to become certified. If you fail the test, you will have to wait 30 days before retaking it. YOU WILL NOT BE NOTIFIED OF YOUR ERRORS. Repeated failures may require additional time for review of the test materials before being eligible to retake it. Only the TxCDBG Implementation Manual, related TxCDBG forms, Survey Methodology Guide, and the TxCDBG Guide to Meeting a National Program Objective may be used for reference. Assistance from individuals is strictly prohibited. All of these reference materials may be found on the TDA website at

2024-2025 TxCDBG Certified Administrators - Updated 02.19.2025

For upcoming administrator trainings, please refer to the Training and Events page.