Hay Hotline
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   Hay Quality Precautions

Texas Hay Import Precautions:
  Various types of hay can be carriers of pests and diseases that are harmful to other crops.  Some hay shipments containing corn, broomcorn, sorghums, and sudan grass may have restrictions on entry into the State of Texas. Also, hay imported from fire ant-infested areas of other states will be limited to distribution in fire ant-infested areas of Texas. For more information about restrictions on hay movement, please contact the Agriculture and Consumer Protection Division at (800) TELL-TDA (835-5832) 

Fire Ant Quarantine:  

Please note that baled hay and straw stored in direct contact with the ground are regulated articles under the state and federal imported fire ant (IFA) quarantines. If these articles are not in direct contact with soil and are IFA-free, they can be shipped without a phytosanitary certificate to the IFA-free areas in Texas. When shipping to other states, some states may require a phytosanitary certificate from TDA as an evidence of inspection for freedom from IFA or that shipment originated from a IFA-free county. The quarantine requirements and contact information of the importing state can be found at the National Plant Board Website:

   TDA Warning Against Hay Sales Scammers

The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) would like to warn Texans about potential scams being run against individuals who have hay for sale.

TDA has received alerts in the past about scammers contacting hay sellers. The supposed hay buyer will send the seller a check in excess of the amount the hay is being sold for and then ask the seller to wire the extra money somewhere else. The scammers explain the overpayment by saying they need to cover taxes or shipping costs; then the check bounces and the scammer already has the money wired to them. The hay seller is then left to pay the money back to the bank.

TDA recommends always reaching out to your local law enforcement agency if something seems fishy about a transaction or purchase.

  • TDA does not verify the prices listed in the ads on the Hay Hotline.
  • TDA is not responsible for inquiry responses you receive from the Hay Hotline. 
  • TDA advises all of its hay suppliers to practice sound business dealings when responding to inquiries for the sale of their hay.
  • If you feel you have been the victim of fraud, contact your local law enforcement.

To File a Complaint:

If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud, or you have been contacted about an attempted scam, please file a complaint with the Texas Office of the Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission.  

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