Disaster Assistance
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   State of Texas Agriculture Relief Fund

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Many of our fellow Texans are in need of a helping hand. Texas farmers, ranchers, agriculture producers, and agribusiness owners struggle to rebuild and pick up the pieces after natural disasters. As natural disasters continue to impact rural communities, the need for donations continues.

The STAR Fund (State of Texas Agriculture Relief Fund) was created solely with monetary donations from private individuals and entities to fund disaster recovery efforts. STAR Fund money may be used to assist farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness owners in rebuilding fences, restoring operations, and paying for other agricultural disaster relief. If you’d like to help folks impacted by the wildfire, floods or tornadoes, consider making a donation to the STAR Fund. 

Learn more about the STAR FUND here.

   Wildfire Assistance Resources

Documenting livestock losses

Cattle raisers are reminded to document livestock losses for recordkeeping and future indemnity program requirements with dated photos or video, if possible. Accurate inventory including the number and type of livestock before and after the natural disaster will be needed for a variety of relief programs. Beginning and ending year inventory are a minimum and should be supplemented with production records including: births, death losses, weaning numbers, purchase records, sale records, veterinarian records, inventory-related bank loan documentation, records assembled for tax filing, and other reliable documents that can verify livestock inventories at different points throughout the year.

While fall and winter wildfires may not have the direct impact on cow-calf herds compared to those occurring while calves are young and actively nursing, health effects can be severe nonetheless. Smoke inhalation, burns and thermal injury, exertion, stress, and injuries suffered during escape can all cause longer-term effects on cattle that have survived wildfires or building fires.



Temporary waivers


Texas A&M Agrilife Supply Points

Those with hay, feed or fencing materials to donate, or with equipment to help haul hay, should contact the following supply points and coordinators:

East Location:
Clyde Carruth Pavilion (aka the Bull Barn)
301 Bull Barn Drive
Pampa, Texas 79065
Contact: Marcus Preuninger
Phone: 806-669-8033

North Location:
Canadian AH&N Ranch Supply
100 Hackberry Street
Canadian, Texas 79014
Contact: Andy Holloway
Phone: 806-323-9114

West Location:
407 Industrial Rd.
Borger, Texas
Contact: Zach Shaffer
Phone: 915-850-3035
General questions about donations or relief efforts may be directed to 806-354-5800.

USDA Assistance

USDA low-interest physical loss loan – help producers repair or replace damaged or destroyed physical property essential to the success of the agricultural operation, including livestock losses. 

Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) : NAP provides financial assistance to producers of noninsurable crops when low yields, loss of inventory, or prevented planting occur due to natural disasters.

Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) - LIP provides benefits to livestock producers for livestock deaths in excess of normal mortality caused by adverse weather or by attacks by animals reintroduced into the wild by the Federal Government. LIP payments are equal to 75 percent of the average fair market value of the livestock.

Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees and Farm-Raised Fish (ELAP) - ELAP provides financial assistance to eligible producers of livestock, honeybees and farm-raised fish for losses due to disease, certain adverse weather events or loss conditions, including blizzards and wildfires, as determined by the Secretary. ELAP assistance is provided for losses not covered by other disaster assistance programs authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill, such as losses not covered by LIP.

Livestock Forage Program (LFP) - The Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) provides compensation to eligible livestock producers who have suffered grazing losses for covered livestock and who are also producers of grazed forage crop acreage of native and improved pastureland with permanent vegetative cover or acreage planted specifically for grazing. Grazing losses must occur on land physically located in a county experiencing a qualifying drought during the normal grazing period for the county.

Additional Information

Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC)

The Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) coordinated with the state veterinarian offices in Oklahoma and New Mexico to facilitate a waiver of animal movement documentation for livestock producers, amidst the 2024 Texas Panhandle wildfire situation. Animal owners or producers conducting emergency evacuation of livestock animals to neighboring states should call the TAHC program records department, 512-719-0777, to register animal movement across state lines. Throughout this emergency situation, resources to gain proper documentation may not be available, and the safety of those involved is the top priority. Please call and provide as much of the following information in order to help ensure a swift and secure process crossing state borders
Animal Movement Emergency Waivers Offered Amidst 2024 Texas Panhandle Wildfires

The link will take you off the TCEQ website to street maps composed by Google Maps. Because we have no control over the posting of material to the sites on this list, TDA and TCEQ cannot take responsibility for the continued validity or maintenance of these links.
This letter confirms approval of your request to conduct right-of-way mowing and/or hay baling operations pursuant to § 202.059 of the Transportation Code within the transportation system.
   Texas Department of Agriculture Hay Hotline

HAY HOTLINE WEBSITE638476242571337384

Texas Department of Agriculture Hay Hotline

The TDA Hay Hotline is the central clearinghouse for those looking to donate hay or in need of hay for agriculture. This resource is updated regularly.

   Additonal Wildfire Relief Donations


   Land and Water Rehabilitation & Housing Assistance

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Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) - assistance for lost work time due to disaster 
Temporary Housing Assistance - housing assistance for unlivable residences due to disaster 

 Small Business Administration (SBA)    

Disaster Loan Program - financial assistance to rebuild homes and businesses due to disaster 

USDA - Farm Service Agency (FSA):

Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) - The Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) helps farmers and ranchers to repair damage to farmlands caused by natural disasters and to help put in place methods for water conservation during severe drought. The ECP does this by giving ranchers and farmers funding and assistance to repair the damaged farmland or to install methods for water conservation.

Emergency Loan Assistance (EM) - The Emergency loan program is triggered when a natural disaster is designated by the Secretary of Agriculture or a natural disaster or emergency is declared by the President under the Stafford Act. These loans help producers who suffer qualifying farm related losses directly caused by the disaster in a county declared or designated as a primary disaster or quarantine area. Also, farmers located in counties that are contiguous to the declared, designated, or quarantined area may qualify for Emergency loans.

USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Emergency Watershed Program (EWP) -The program is designed to help people and conserve natural resources by relieving imminent hazards to life and property caused by floods, fires, wind­storms, and other natural occurrences. EWP is an emergency recovery program. All projects undertaken, with the exception of the pur­chase of floodplain easements, must have a project sponsor. NRCS may bear up to 75 percent of the construction cost of emergency measures. The remaining 25 per­cent must come from local sources and can be in the form of cash or in-kind services. Funding is subject to Congressional approval. 

Texas Department of Agriculture

Certified and Insured Prescribed Burning Program 
The Prescribed Burning Board (PBB) regulates certified and insured prescribed burn managers who work to control vegetative fuels that can contribute to wildfires. Certified and insured prescribed burn managers help to manage, maintain and restore valuable ecosystems in Texas.

How to Disinfect A Private Well System (in 7 Steps) - PDF
If your well system is contaminated after a flood, here's how to disinfect it.


For Questions, Call
Patrick Dudley, Coordinator for Agriculture Commodity Boards 
and Producer Relations
(512) 787-9966