AUSTIN – Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller today announced that the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) will allow Summer Meal Program sites in Texas to resume grab and go, home delivery, and meal bundling as part of standard operations. The recently enacted Keep Kids Fed Act (KKFA) provided the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) authority to grant the necessary statewide waivers. Sites can start using these waivers immediately, but program operators must submit an opt-in form if any of their sites are using these waivers this summer.
TDA partners with food banks, schools, and other nonprofits to operate the Summer Food Service Program and the Seamless Summer Option which provide federal funding for meals served at no cost to children 18 and younger and eligible people with disabilities. The Summer Meal Program waivers will be available through September 30, 2022, or until the new school year starts.
The KKFA includes other provisions to assist TDA partners in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), including higher federal reimbursement for meals served and meal pattern flexibilities in light of ongoing supply chain disruptions.
The KKFA does not allow all students to eat school meals free of charge in school year 2022-2023. Families must resume submitting an application for free and reduced-price meals unless their student’s school utilizes the Community Eligibility Provision to serve free meals to all students.
For more information, visit SquareMeals.org.
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