Agriculture Market Summary
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Texas Daily Ag Market News Summary

Posted 6 years 98 days ago by Administrator Account

Daily Market Summary for June 15th

 The Daily Market News Report bought to you by The Cattle Range. Please visit for more information!

Slaughter Cattle:

Friday in the Southern Plains trading has been at a standstill. In Nebraska and the Western Cornbelt trading has been mostly inactive on very light demand. Not enough trades for a market trend. Last week in the Southern Plains live cash trades were at 115.00. For the prior week in Nebraska live cash trades were mostly from 114.00-115.00 and dressed trades were mostly from 183.00-184.00. In the Western Cornbelt Thursday was the last fully reported market with live cash trades from 110.00 to 112.00 and dressed trades from 176.00 to 181.00.


Negotiated Sales:

Confirmed: 3,479    Week Ago: 16,895    Year Ago: 9,456


Formula Net - Dressed Steers & Heifers

Head count priced today:  15,800
Weighted avg weight:        839.00
Weighted avg net price:     184.16


Alberta Beef Producers Daily Report:

Alberta direct cattle sales Thursday saw light trade develop with dressed sales marked at 240.00 delivered. Sales are steady to 2.00 lower than the previous week. Some producers were negotiating lift dates for the second half of July delivery. Fed prices are on track to establish new lows this week. Feeding margins remain negative on the cattle being sold right now.


Livestock Slaughter under Federal Inspection:

                                  CATTLE     CALVES     HOGS        SHEEP
Friday (est               118,000      2,000       412,000        7,000
Week ago (est)       120,000      2,000       419,000        7,000
Year ago (act)         119,000      2,000       418,000        7,000
Week to date (est) 586,000   10,000    2,194,000      39,000
Last Week (est)       597,000    10,000    2,208,000     40,000
Last Year (act)         592,000      9,000    2,127,000     37,000
Saturday (est            68,000        0                 21,000       1,000
Week ago (est)         61,000        0                 63,000       1,000
Year ago (act)           46,000        0                 51,000       1,000
Week to date (est) 654,000     10,000    2,215,000     40,000
Last Week (est)       658,000     10,000    2,271,000     41,000
Last Year* (act)       639,000       9,000    2,178,000     39,000
2018 YTD               14,759,00  243,000  56,151,000   921,000
2017 *YTD             14,319,00  228,000  54,615,000   887,000
Percent change            +3.1%    +6.7%        +2.8%         +3.9%


Boxed Beef: 

Boxed beef cutout values weak on Choice and higher on Select on light to moderate demand and offerings. Select and Choice rib, round, and loin cuts steady to firm. Choice chuck cuts steady while Select higher. Beef trimmings generally steady on light to moderate demand and heavy offerings.
Cutout Values...              Choice       Select
Current Cutout Values:  221.59      202.73
Change from prior day:     -0.49        +0.76
Choice/Select spread:      18.86


Futures Summary: 


CME Feeder Cattle Index: 140.73… +0.03
June Live Cattle Futures: 108.45… +2.20
August Live Cattle Futures: 104.77… +2.90
October Live Cattle Futures: 107.02… +2.22
August Feeder Cattle Futures: 147.97… +4.30
September Feeder Cattle Futures: 148.27… +3.47
November Feeder Cattle Futures: 147.85… +3.08
July Hog Futures: 81.72… +0.10


National Grain Market Summary:

Compared to last week, cash bids for wheat were mixed, while corn, sorghum, and soybeans were lower.  The U.S.D.A. made moderate reductions to both old and new crop corn carryout projections in the June supply and demand report.  World corn ending stocks were cut 4.46 million metric tons due to the smaller crops in South America and the elevated demand for U.S. corn.  Reductions also took place in the U.S. soybean balance sheets. Old crop stocks were reduced 25 million bu for a 505 million bu total, and new crop decreased 30 million bu to a 385 million bu total.  Very little was changed in the wheat balance sheets.  Old crop stocks increased 20 million bu while new crop declined 9 million bu.  While these were minimal changes, the simple fact that wheat stocks did not increase gave the complex some much needed support.  USDA said last week's export sales and shipments of corn totaled 36.9 million bushels (mb) and 55.3 mb respectively, neutral amounts for the week that have total shipments down 8% in 2017-18 from a year ago.  Last week's export sales and shipments of soybeans totaled 19.1 mb and 22.0 mb respectively, a neutral combination that kept total soybean shipments down 9% in 2017-18 from a year ago.  Last week's export sales and shipments of new-crop wheat totaled 11.1 mb and 11.4 mb respectively, a bearish and uninspiring start to the 2018-19 season that has total shipments 57% lower than a year ago.  Wheat was mixed from 31 1/4 cents lower to 13 cents higher.  Corn was 5 1/4 to 13 1/4 cents lower.  Sorghum was 23 to 26 cents lower.  Soybeans were 39 to 47 cents lower.


July Corn Futures: 3.6125… -0.0175
July Soybean Futures: 9.0550… -0.2175
July Wheat Futures: 4.9950… -0.0200
Kansas City Corn: 3.54
Kansas City Soybeans: 9.22
Kansas City Wheat: 5.42
Nearby Crude Oil Futures Contract: 65.06… -1.83
Dow Jones Industrial Average: 25,090.19… -85.12
NASDAQ: 7,746.38… -14.66
U.S. Dollar Index: 94.77… -0.10