Training Webinar Archive
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TxCDBG Webinar Archive
Date Topic Document/Link
TxCDBG Webinars
  TxCDBG Civil Rights Training Click here to view recorded webinar
  TxCDBG Webinar: 2024 DRP and CFC Click here to view webinar slides
  TxCDBG Webinar: Overview of TxCDBG Click here to view webinar slides
  TxCDBG Webinar: Using CD for Planning Activities Click here to view webinar slides
  TxCDBG Webinar: VAWA and Fair Housing
Application Webinars
  TxCDBG Application Webinar: Fundamentals of Applying for TxCDBG Grants Click here to view webinar slides
Click here to view recorded webinar
  TxCDBG Application Webinar: General Application Guidance and Best Practices  Click here to view webinar video
Click here to view webinar slides
TDA-GO Webinars
  TDA-GO Webinar: Amendments Click here to view webinar slides
Click here to view recorded webinar
  TDA-GO Webinar: Environmental Review Click here to view recorded webinar
  TDA-GO Webinar: Group A, Group B, and Grant Overview Click here to view recorded webinar
  TDA-GO Webinar: How to Add Users to Documents Click here to view recorded webinar
  TDA-GO Webinar: Introduction to Start-Up Documentation Processes Click here to view webinar slides
Click here to view recorded webinar
  TDA-GO Webinar: Labor Standards Click here to view recorded webinar
  TDA-GO Webinar: Legacy Grants and Change Orders/COCC Click here to view recorded webinar
  TDA-GO Webinar: Materials and Service Report Click here to view webinar slides
Click here to view recorded webinar
  TDA-GO Webinar: Organizational Compliance Single Audit Report (OCSAR) Click here to view recorded webinar
Click here to view webinar slides
  TDA-GO Webinar: Payment Request Click here to view recorded webinar
  CDBG Applications and the TDA-GO System Click here to view recorded webinar
Click here to watch 2/4 Q&A session
  Documenting Eligibility and National Program Objective Webinar Click here to view recorded webinar
  PY 2023 Beneficiary Guidance Updates Click here to view PDF