Agricultural Loan Guarantee Program
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Agricultural Loan Guarantee Program
Deadline: Applications are accepted year-round and subject to avaliable funding.

The Agricultural Loan Guarantee Program (ALG) provides financial assistance to establish or enhance farming or ranching operations or to establish an agricultural-related business. This program assists in the form of guarantees based on a tiered structure, not to exceed:
  • $250,000 or 90% of the loan amount, whichever is less 
  • $500,000 or 80% of the loan amount, whichever is less.
  • $750,000 or 70% of the loan amount, whichever is less. 
The duration of a loan guarantee approved by TAFA must not exceed the useful life of the assets being financed or 10 years, whichever is less.

Note: The lender and borrower determine the loan terms, while TAFA retains the right to alter any loan terms as necessary to provide the guarantee.
Eligible Borrower:
  • An individual that will use the loan proceeds to establish or expand an agricultural business in Texas.
  • Meet the lender’s underwriting criteria.
  • The borrower(s) should have:
    • A credit score of 650 or greater
    • Equity contribution of at least 15% of the loan amount
    • Debt to equity of 2:1 or less
    • Debt service coverage of 1.25 or better
Eligible Lender:
  • Any state or nationally chartered banking instittion or farm credit lender. 
Application Process:
  • The application is a joint application for the Lender and the Borrower.
  • The completed (but unsigned) application is submitted to TDA for review via email at
  • Upon initial review for eligibility, TDA staff will distribute the application via DocuSign for electronic signatures by all parties.
  • If approved, the Lender, the Borrower and TDA will sign an Agricultural Loan Guarantee Agreement which will be part of the loan closing documents.

    ** The lender may schedule loan closing at any time, however once the guarantee application has been approved an approval letter will be sent, valid for 30 days. 

Use of Funds:
A loan guarantee recipient may use loan proceeds for any agricultural related purpose, including:
  • Working capital,
  • Lease of facilities,
  • Purchase of machinery and equipment, and/or
  • Purchase of real estate, as identified in recipient’s documentation submitted in support of the application.

  • Application Fee: $100 (non-refundable) due at the time of application
  • Origination Fee: A minimum of 1% of the guaranteed amount due within 10 days of loan closing.
Interest Rebate:
Borrowers under the ALG program may be eligible for a rebate of a portion of the interest they pay on the loan. The maximum annual rebate is $500 and shall not exceed the 1% origination fee over the term of the guarantee. The interest rate rebate may be adjusted by TAFA within statutory limits. 
The Lender is responsible for submitting a quarterly report confirming outstanding loan details. 
Bon Wier
TAFA Bond Finance Specialist
(512) 936-8163

Roxana Newton
Program Director for Economic Development
(512) 463-2537



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