Farmer and Rancher Assistance
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Farmer and Rancher Assistance
USDA Programs:
    Farm Service Agency  Includes a wide-range of information on emergency relief and restoration for livestock deaths, farm loans, uninsurable crops, grazing land, trees, livestock, honeybees and farm-raised fish in the case of a natural disaster.

    Emergency Conservation Program
     Deals with emergency funding and technical assistance for farmers and ranchers whose land has been damaged by a natural disaster or drought.

    Disaster Debt Set-Aside Program
     Allows the continued operation of a farm in a designated disaster area when they are unable to make payments on FSA debt.

    Natural Resources Conservation Services
    The NRCS works with people to protect their soil, water and other natural resources. In times of an emergency, they can help restore the natural ecosystem of farmland and ranches.

State Programs

Texas AgriLife Extension Services- The Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) of the AgriLife service gives information on disaster preparedness, mitigation and recovery.

Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board- Information on grants, matching funds and soil and water conservation plans. 

Farmers Tax Guide- What’s new for 2011: Guide for preparing tax returns on gains and losses of farmland, animals and equipment.