Texas Department of Agriculture Website > Regulatory Programs > Pesticides > Agricultural Applicators > Pesticide Waste Collection
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Pesticide Waste Collection
The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA), in cooperation with Texas AgriLife Extension, operates agricultural pesticide waste and pesticide container collection activities statewide. Participation in collection events is free and anonymous for agricultural producers. These events are intended to provide a safe, efficient, and economical way to properly dispose of banned or unwanted pesticides.

In response to the passing of 2019 Texas House Bill 191, TDA established a Pesticide Disposal Fund that covers the cost of administering pesticide waste and pesticide container collection activities. State-funded pesticide disposal events had been absent in Texas since 2011 leaving a large burden on Texas farmers. To date, the Pesticide Waste Collection Program has safely disposed of over 1 million pounds of pesticide waste since the program was initiated by TDA.

The goal of this program is to properly dispose of unwanted or unusable pesticides to prevent human exposure, prevent use of banned pesticides on crops, and to eliminate the potential source of environmental contamination. 

If you have any questions regarding the Pesticide Waste Collection Program, please contact TDA Austin Headquarters at (512) 463-7622.