Predator Management Training Program
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Predator Management Training Program for Agricultural Pesticide Applicators

M-44 Sodium Cyanide and Livestock Protection Collar (LPC)

Predators such as coyotes, foxes and feral dogs cause damage to livestock and crops, which results in economic loss for Texas farmers and ranchers. Predators animals can spread diseases such as rabies, Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever to humans and domestic animals.

TDA's Predator Management Training Program works closely with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension's Wildlife Services to help Texans in the livestock industry find the most appropriate control method. The program works to ensure the methods used to manage livestock predation are not hazardous to humans, non-target animals and the environment. This program covers training on available management and monitoring techniques and certifies applications for use of M-44 sodium cyanide and the Compound 1080 Livestock Protection Collar.

Before using these pesticides, applicators must have a license with TDA and attend a Predator Management Training Class on the selected method. The program also includes other control methods and tips on identifying which type of animal is taking livestock. Though coyotes are the most common predator, foxes, feral dogs, feral hogs, mountain lions and eagles also kill young livestock.

Identifying what predator killed an animal is crucial to determining the appropriate method of control. Extension and Wildlife Services personnel are available to assist in this area. (See links to the right for additional information available on the web.)

Training and Certification

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires special training for certification of M-44 and Compound 1080 Livestock Protection Collar applicators. To obtain information on TDA Predator Management Training Sessions, please call the TDA San Antonio Regional Office at (210) 820-0288 or the TDA Agricultural Pesticide Program at (512) 463-7622.

To obtain M-44 certification, you must:

  1. Attend a TDA Predator Management Training Session that includes M-44 training.
  2. Pass the M-44 Exam with a score of 70 or above.
  3. Possess one of the following licenses issued by TDA:
    a) Private Applicator Certificate or License,
    b) Noncommercial or Noncommercial Political Subdivision Applicator License; or
    c) Commercial Applicator License.

To obtain LPC certification:

  1. Attend a TDA Predator Management Training Session that includes LPC training.
  2. Pass the LPC Applicator Exam with a score of 70 or above.
  3. Possess one of the following licenses issued by TDA:
    a) Private Applicator Certificate or License,
    b) Noncommercial or Noncommercial Political Subdivision Applicator License; or
    c) Commercial Applicator License.

License Descriptions

Private Applicators raise livestock or poultry, grow an agricultural commodity, and can apply M-44s or LPCs on their own land or the land of an agricultural employer. 
A Commercial License is required for people applying Restricted use, State-limited use, or M-44s or LPCs for hire as a business.
A Noncommercial Political Subdivision License is required for government employees who may apply or supervise application of Restricted use, State-limited use, orM-44 or LPCs in the course of agency business.

Is my M-44 certification still valid? 
           M-44 certificates with numbers below 5000 are no longer valid.