How to Schedule SPCS Licensing Exams
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How To Schedule SPCS Licensing Exams

To schedule for either the technician license exams or the certified applicator license exams, your eligibility must first be approved by the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA).  Use the following steps if you are interested in taking the licensing exams.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All examinees with PSI require government issued picture ID and the name on the ID must match the name on the application submitted to the department in order to be able to test.

Technician Exams:

1. Not yet registered as an apprentice:
You must be registered as an apprentice with a licensed business to be eligible to take the technician exam and you must have completed the apprentice training and the approved technician training course.  If you have not registered as an apprentice (or if your registration has expired, or you have changed employers), complete and submit the apprentice registration form found here, or apply online by clicking here.  Once you have registered as an apprentice you will need to have completed the training outlined in section 7.132 of the SPCS regulations (found here).  Upon completion of this training, follow the next step.

2. Currently registered as an apprentice:
To have your eligibility to take the technician exam determined, complete and submit the SPT-420 SPCS Technician Exam Application form found here***Please Note*** No fees need to be included with this application; PSI will collect the fees for the examinations.  Include with your submission a photocopy of your Technician Training Course Certificate of completion.  These can be mailed in, faxed (1-800-909-8534) or emailed ( .  Once processed, you will be sent correspondence from TDA either requesting further information or advising you of your eligibility and giving you instructions on scheduling the exams.

3. Currently licensed as a Technician wishing to add a category:
Beginning with exams taken on January 1, 2024 or after, all licensed technicians must first complete forty (40) hours on-the-job and eight (8) classroom training (documented on VTR) prior to taking the exam. If you are currently licensed as a Technician and are seeking to add a category, prior to scheduling the exam, you must submit a completed SPT-415 and submit to You will receive an auto-response from the email box but no further follow-up. You may schedule the exam after submitting the SPT-415 form. PSI can be reached at their website, or 1-855-807-3998. If a SPT-415 form has not been submitted and filed, the Technician will be sent a pending letter to submit the Verifiable Training Record to have the license issued.

Certified Applicator Exams

To take the certified applicator exams you will need to submit the "Application for Certified Applicator Exam and License form found here or by applying online (here). ***Please Note*** No EXAM FEES need to be included with this application; PSI will collect the fees for the examinations. However, the $125.00 licensing fee will be due, unless paid on a previous application. Once processed, you will be sent correspondence from TDA either requesting further information or advising you of your eligibility and giving you instructions on scheduling the exams. 

As a reminder, all applicants for Certified Applicator are required to take the General Exam (noted as TX General Certified Applicator on PSI exams website) as well as one category and pass with 70% or more correct to become licensed. Category exams taken at the Technician level do not transfer to the Certified Applicator and must be taken at the Certified Applicator level.

Currently licensed as a Certified Applicator wishing to add a category:

If you are currently licensed as a Certified Applicator and are either currently working for a business or your license is “Inactive” you may contact PSI to schedule an exam.  Your unique ID number will be your Certified Applicator license number (be sure to include the leading zero).  PSI can be reached at their website, or 1-855-807-3998. See the PSI Bulletin for help creating your PSI online account.

Eligibility Requirements for license as a Certified Applicator:

If you are not currently licensed as a technician with SPCS, you will need to submit documentation verifying your eligibility for a certified applicator license.  Methods of eligibility and required documentation are as follows:

  • 2 year or 4 year degree in a biological science:
    Official Transcripts  (Acceptable degrees include agronomy; entomology; animal science; landscape architecture; forestry; agricultural science; biology; chemistry; environmental science; horticulture)

  • Previous CA licensee in Texas:
    Record of your license must be on file with the department.

  • Technician or applicator license in another state:
    Letter of license verification from the issuing state.

  • Other industry experience:
    Letter outlining experience and any supporting documentation requested by the department.

  • Hardship:
    Copy of correspondence from department granting hardship.


  • Currently licensed as a Certified Applicator wishing to add a category: If you are currently licensed as a Certified Applicator and are either currently working for a business or your license is "Inactive" you may contact PSI to schedule an exam.  Your unique ID number will be your Certified Applicator license number (be sure to include the leading zero).  PSI can be reached at or 1-855-807-3998.

Note: Structural Fumigation Exams - Certified Applicators testing in structural fumigation must submit their 40 hours of training to for prequalification. Once training is approved you will be sent an eligibility letter that will allow you to schedule the Structural Fumigation exam with PSI.

Inclement Weather Closure for Exams
TDA’s exam vendor PSI Services is the best resource to determine which facilities are open or closed due to inclement weather. Please check their website at to determine operating status of PSI facilities.