Citrus Information
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Citrus Information

Citrus Quarantines

This program protects against quarantined pests and diseases of citrus. Unauthorized movement of citrus, related plants or other quarantined articles into Texas is prohibited. Plants of citrus and plants of orange jasmine (also known as orange jessamine) sold or distributed in Texas must be specially labeled and records must be kept to verify that the plants were produced in Texas. Within Texas, regulations restrict movement of citrus plants into the Citrus Zone (Brooks, Cameron, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Kenedy, Starr and Willacy counties).

Pest Control Program

Reduces the threat of Mexican fruit fly to growers in the Lower Rio Grande Valley by monitoring fly populations and releasing millions of sterile flies weekly to reduce reproduction of fertile flies. This program reduces the cost of production and expensive treatments prior to shipment for sale. Similar monitoring is conducted for Mediterranean fruit fly, which sometimes infests various states but doesn't occur in Texas.

Citrus Budwood Certification Program

Protects Texas citrus from viral diseases by ensuring an adequate supply of virus-free budwood.

Certified Budwood must be used when producing certain varieties of citrus plants.

The following varieties currently may be produced only from certified budwood:

(1) Grapefruits--"Rio Red";
(2) Valencia oranges--"Standard", "Olinda";
(3) Navel oranges--"N-33";
(4) Other oranges--"Marrs", "Pineapple";

Trees of the above varieties produced in Texas prior to September 1, 2006, are exempt from the requirements.

Citrus Nursery Stock Certification Program

The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) is required to certify citrus nursery pest exclusionary facilities in Texas under the Texas Administrative Code Chapter §21 

Under the provision of citrus nursery stock certification regulations any person who propagates citrus nursery stock in Texas is required to hold a current certificate for a certified citrus nursery. Also, any person who propagates citrus nursery stock for the purpose of sale must also hold a current nursery/floral license.

Application and Instructions:

RCN-600 – Citrus Nursery Stock Application
RCN-600 - Citrus Nursery Stock Application Instructions

Citrus Budwood Advisory Council

Advises the department in the matters of standards and rules necessary to administer the citrus budwood certification program. Members, appointed by the Commissioner, serve two-year terms and may be reappointed. The advisory council is composed of seven members as set forth by law: one member representing the department; one member representing the Texas A&M University-Kingsville Citrus Center at Weslaco; two members representing citrus nursery industry; two members representing citrus growers; and one member having specialized knowledge in citrus diseases and pests.  All meetings are open to the public.  Dates and agendas for open meetings are posted on our site: (See Upcoming Open Meetings Link)