Diaprepes Root Weevil - Treatment Action Plan
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Diaprepes Weevil -Treatment Action Plan

Guidelines for Certification of Nursery Stock Shipped into Texas from Quarantined Areas

        1.  Field Grown Ornamentals:

             Nursery stock must be sprayed with an insecticide labeled for control of adult
             Diaprepes within 14 days of movement, and:

                  a.   They must be bare-rooted and repotted with sterile and soil-less 
                        potting media within 7 days of shipment, or 
                  b.   They may be left bare-rooted.

             Note: Ball and Burlap stock are ineligible for certification.

        2.  All Containerized Ornamentals:

                  a.   Must be grown in a greenhouse which would prevent any infestation by
                        Diaprepes abbreviatus, or 
                  b.   All nursery stock not grown in a greenhouse must be sprayed for adults
                        with an approved insecticide within 14 days of movement and be soil
                        drenched with Bifenthrin (see below) or have Bifenthrin incorporated in
                        the mix as follows:

              Bifenthrin granules incorporated into potting mix at a dose rate
              of 25 parts per million (ppm). Dosage is based on the bulk density
              of the potting mix.

                          Bifenthrin drench: (provides 6 month certification period)

                          Use Bifenthrin at the appropriate labeled rate in 100 gallons of
                          water, based on the bulk density of the potting media to achieve
                          25 ppm. Apply to individual containers to the point of saturation,
                          generally 1/5 volume of the container. Plants must be treated within
                          30 days of movement.

Always follow the product use label.

Please see the Diaprepes Quarantine for a list of the Quarantined areas.

Please contact Mathias Marcos at (512) 475-0705 or Dr. Awinash Bhatkar at (512) 463-5025 for additional information.