Cotton Stalk Destruction Deadline Extensions FAQ
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Cotton Stalk Destruction Deadline Extensions FAQ

Who needs an extension?

Answer: If you are unable to comply with your pest management zone’s destruction deadline and believe you qualify for an extension, you must submit a completed request form for an extension of the destruction deadline to TDA for consideration. (RCD-901E when submitting electronically or both the RCD-901, RCD-901A when submitting physically).

Where can I get an extension request form?

Answer: The electronic form is available here (RCD-901E). The RCD-901 and RCD-901A paper forms may be downloaded from TDA’s website. Please note you will need to complete both RCD-901 and RCD-901A when mailing or delivering your extension request physically. You may also request the forms be sent to you electronically by emailing a request to

Where do I send the request?

Answer: Forms may be submitted electronically, emailed to, or mailed/delivered to:

Cotton Program
Texas Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 12847
Austin, TX 78711

What information is needed?

Answer: Extension requests must include: name, address, phone number of producer, why an extension is being requested (explain), FSA Farm/Tract number, acreage involved, physical location of field, county in which field is located, date(s) planted, harvest date, if harvested, field status and reasonable estimate of time needed to complete destruction. The application form must be filled out completely; a lack of documentation may cause your extension request to be delayed or denied.

When does my request have to be sent?

Answer: All requests may be submitted up to the applicable pest management zone's cotton stalk destruction deadline or extended deadline.

Do I automatically get an extension?

Answer: No. Submission of an extension request does not automatically result in an extension being granted. If an extension request is denied, you may be liable for hostable cotton fees.

Why would an extension be given?

Answer: Extensions may be granted due to adverse weather conditions, illness, research or other good cause determined by the department.

How will I know if an extension is granted?

Answer: A letter granting or denying the extension request will be sent upon receipt of your request unless a blanket extension is granted for the general area. If a blanket extension is given, there will be notification given on the TDA and Texas Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation websites.