Handling and Marketing of Perishable Commodities
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Handling and Marketing of Perishable Commodities (HMPC)
The mission of the HMPC Program is to protect and assist producers or produce dealers who do not receive payment for produce sold or handled in Texas.

Who needs a HMPC License?
If you purchase perishable Texas grown commodities on credit and you do not pay for it at time of delivery, you will need to be licensed.

Exceptions - HMPC licenses are not needed by:
  • Consumers who do not resell produce
  • Growers who grow and sell their own produce
  • People who grow produce outside of Texas


     Apply for a new HMPC License Instructions
     Corporations or Partnerships 
    (attach with HMPC License Application, if applicable)
     Agents Application
    (attach with HMPC License Application, if applicable)
     Change the principals or agents on my existing HMPC License Instructions
     Change other information on my existing HMPC License Instructions
     Prove I own the citrus I bought Instructions
     File a Produce Recovery Claim because my buyer did not pay me  
AgriStress 833-877-2474

Shrimp Agristress638476287520341252

When Will My License Expire?
Your license is valid for one year.