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Hear from Commissioner Miller

Commissioner Miller visits the Texas Panhandle


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Commissioner Miller’s Statement Regarding Trump Administration’s Deal With China to Expedite Beef Exports
Thursday, May 18, 2017, Texas Agriculture Commissioner is hopeful for Texas cattle ranchers  [More]
Commissioner Miller Honors D.J. Kurtenbach From South Grand Prairie High School With Final 'GROW' Award of School Year
Tuesday, May 16, 2017, Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller is pleased to honor Daniel “D.J.” Kurtenbach, a junior from South Grand Prairie High School in Grand Prairie, Texas, as the winner of the Texas Department of Agriculture’s monthly GROW award. The award Gives Recognition for Outstanding Work to middle and high school students who demonstrate leadership and excellence inside and outside the classroom.  [More]
Funding Still Available To Assist Wildfire Victims
Friday, May 12, 2017, STAR Fund applications for Panhandle wildfire victims due June 2  [More]
TDA Warning Against Hay Sales Scammers
Commissioner Miller on Scimetrics' Withdrawal of Feral Hog Bait Registration
Tuesday, April 25, 2017, Commissioner Miller's statement on Scimetrics, Inc.'s request to withdraw state registration of Kaput Feral Hog Bait  [More]
Commissioner Miller Honors Caitlin Edsall From Red Oak With April 'GROW' Award
Wednesday, April 19, 2017, Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller is pleased to honor Caitlin Edsall, a senior from Red Oak High School in Red Oak, Texas, as the winner of the Texas Department of Agriculture’s monthly GROW award. The award Gives Recognition for Outstanding Work to middle and high school students who demonstrate leadership and excellence inside and outside the classroom.  [More]
Commissioner Sid Miller Signs Historic Agreement in Israel
Thursday, March 30, 2017, Cooperative declaration strengthens bond between Texas and Israel  [More]
Commissioner Miller Honors Whitney Mahan from Honey Grove with March 'GROW' Award
Monday, March 27, 2017, Award Gives Recognition for Outstanding Work completed by middle and high school students  [More]
Commissioner Miller Calls for Donations to Assist Victims of Wildfires
Wednesday, March 15, 2017, STAR Fund provides grants to farmers and ranchers impacted by natural disasters  [More]
Commissioner Miller Calls on Texans to Help Neighbors in Panhandle Impacted by Wildfires
Wednesday, March 8, 2017, Communities experiencing devastating loss of property and lives in Panhandle wildfires  [More]
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Hemp Licensing
Industrial Hemp
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Produce Safety Rule
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