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Hear from Commissioner Miller

Commissioner Miller visits the Texas Panhandle


The Latest Agency News

Commissioner Miller Honors Whitney Mahan from Honey Grove with March 'GROW' Award
Monday, March 27, 2017, Award Gives Recognition for Outstanding Work completed by middle and high school students  [More]
Commissioner Miller Calls for Donations to Assist Victims of Wildfires
Wednesday, March 15, 2017, STAR Fund provides grants to farmers and ranchers impacted by natural disasters  [More]
Commissioner Miller Calls on Texans to Help Neighbors in Panhandle Impacted by Wildfires
Wednesday, March 8, 2017, Communities experiencing devastating loss of property and lives in Panhandle wildfires  [More]
Commissioner Miller Kicks Off School Breakfast Week
Monday, March 6, 2017, Texas students asked to “Take the Breakfast Challenge” and start every day with a healthy school breakfast  [More]
Restraining Order Issued on TDA Feral Hog Bait Emergency Rule
Friday, March 3, 2017, Effect of ruling is to lift safeguards on Kaput Hog Bait put in place by the Texas Department of Agriculture  [More]
Commissioner Miller Honors Student Art Contest Winners and Invites Young Artists to Submit Entries for 2017-18 Contest
Monday, February 27, 2017, Creativity from Texas students inspires posters on display in school cafeterias across the state during School Breakfast Week in March  [More]
Texas Agriculture Commissioner and Tamaulipas Governor Meet for Historic Handshake on International Bridge in Laredo
Thursday, February 23, 2017, Commissioner Sid Miller and Governor Cabeza de Vaca Hold Texas-Tamaulipas Together Friendship Exchange  [More]
Commissioner Sid Miller Announces TAC Rule Change to Allow Limited Use of Feral Hog Toxicant in Texas
Tuesday, February 21, 2017, First Feral Hog Toxicant to Hit Texas Market later this year  [More]
Commissioner Sid Miller Honors Cade Ingram from The Woodlands with February GROW Award
Thursday, February 16, 2017, Award Gives Recognition for Outstanding Work completed by middle and high school students  [More]
Commissioner Miller Recruits World-Class Athletes to Promote Texas
Thursday, February 2, 2017, Former NFL stars named GO TEXAN Ambassadors to market Texas products and recruit new members  [More]
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Hold On To Your Heritage

Has your family farm or ranch been in continuous production for 100 years or more?
Apply for our Family Land Heritage program
Hemp Licensing
Industrial Hemp
Produce Safety
Produce Safety Rule
Careers at TDA

Find Your Road With a Job at TDA. Description: a red dirt country road runs through rolling agricultural fields toward the horizon.

TDA supports communities that have been adversely impacted by natural disasters. Help Texans in need by making a donation to the STAR Fund today.

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