Fund Categories and Applications
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Applications and Awards

National Objective

The CDBG program states that in order to be eligible for funding, every TxCDBG-funded activity must qualify as meeting one of the three national objectives of the program:

• Benefiting low- and moderate-income persons,

• Preventing or eliminating blight, or

• Meeting other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and other financial resources are not available to meet such needs.


An activity that fails to meet one or more of the national objectives is in noncompliance with TxCDBG rules.

Beneficiary Documentation

TxCDBG Guide to Meeting a National Program Objective


Application Process

A detailed description of the general review and award workflow.

TxCDBG Fund Categories with Cycles

The Community Development Fund is the largest fund category in the TxCDBG Program. This fund is available through a competition in each of the 24 state planning regions.  Although most funds are used for Public Facilities (water/wastewater infrastructure, street and drainage improvements and housing activities), there are numerous other activities for which these funds may be used.
  • Application Deadline: December 2024
  • Max Award: $750,000
Provides grant funds for public infrastructure to eliminate deteriorated conditions and foster economic development in historic main street areas and rural downtown areas.  
  • Application Deadline: March 2024
  • Max Award: $1,000,000

The Colonia Fund provides grants for eligible counties within 150 miles of the Texas-Mexico border to support community development projects in identified unincorporated colonias, with programs targeting construction, planning, economically distressed areas, and self-help centers in designated counties.

  • Application Deadline: March 2024
  • Max Award: $1,000,000
Assistance to communities impacted by state-declared disaster events that are not eligible for federal disaster assistance. Infrastructure repair, replacement, and improvement are eligible projects, with priority for drinking water systems and debris removal. 
  • Application Deadline: As Needed
  • Max Award: $500,000 ($1,000,000 for certain multi-jurisdiction awards)

TxCDBG Activities and Allocations

For information on accessing past applications and awards data, please reference How To Access Public Reports from TDA-Go.
