Structural Fumigation
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Structural Fumigation

Structural fumigation is defined as inspection and/or control of pests through fumigation of structures not primarily intended to contain food, feed or grains.

Notification Requirement

Notice of all structural fumigations with contracts requiring treatment of a structure must be submitted to the Structural Pest Control Service between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. at least 4 and no more than 24 hours prior to the structural fumigation application using the online notification system. 

The licensee must provide:
address and site location,
chemical to be used,
date and time of treatment,
approximate square footage under contract, and
the name and physical address of the business licensee.

Cancellation must be sent within 3 hours of the time the licensee learns of the cancellation.

Any violation will result in a fine of up to $3,000

Certification and License Renewal Requirements

To qualify to take the structural fumigation category exam, the applicator must:

Attend a 40-hour structural fumigation school and gain at least 16 hours of hands-on training, or
Obtain 40 hours of on-the-job training with at least 16 hours of hands-on training.


Current certified applicators must attend 1 CEU structural fumigation and conduct/perform 4 hours of training per year to maintain their certification. 

Training records must be kept on the Structural Fumigation Activity Records Form in the business file for at least full two calendar years after the year the training was completed regardless of the employee’s current employment status with the business.

Contracting and Performing Structural Fumigation
The following table provides examples of when it is appropriate to perform structural fumigation, contract structural fumigation to other businesses and accept fees for referrals.



 Business X

Business Y

Does business have the structural fumigation category certification?



Can business contract to provide structural fumigation?



Can business subcontract structural fumigation?



Can business refer customer to a company that has a structural fumigation category?



Can business accept a referral fee?


Yes, if Voluntary